Health Services

WACO encourages healthy practices to prevent illness. Germ season is ongoing in a school building, and we're taking this opportunity to discuss proper hygiene to help prevent the spread of germs. WACO staff will have regular conversations with students in the classroom on germs, best practices, and healthy lifestyles. We encourage our families to have conversations at home as well. We've included a few resources for you to answer some questions, and talk with your children.
Additional information under vaccines (scroll down)
If a student has a temperature of 100ยบ F. or higher, the parent/guardian will be called and the student will be sent home. Temperature is not the only symptom that influences the decision to send the student home; general appearance and functioning are important factors.
The student is to be fever-free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication before returning to school. Please help us with containing the spread of germs by following the guideline. Fever today means no school/work tomorrow.