Today our Preschool had their Valentines Party and Pink, White and “Read” Day!

Congrats to Gage Samo and Louden Huisenga for being District Champs and to Drew Diers for placing 2nd. All three qualified for the State Wrestling Tournament in Des Moines this coming Wednesday through Saturday.
Get you state wrestling shirts here: https://wacostatewrestling2023.itemorder.com/
Deadline for the shirt order is midnight tomorrow (Sunday - 2/12).

Just a quick update about Thursday's snow day. Since we missed Thursday, our next snow make up day is this next Friday, February 17th. Just a heads up on this quick turn around. Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Hagge's 5th grade class earned an art reward for their good class behavior. Students chose to have art outside and create splatter paintings.

WACO Schools are now closed for Thursday, February 9th. Any updates on activities will be sent out later today. Stay safe.

WACO Schools will be delayed 2 hours on Thursday, February 9th.

2023 RAMM Video

Just a quick reminder that WACO will have school this Friday, February 3rd. This is a make up from when we missed school for the football playoffs. Enjoy your week!

Congrats to Rylee Rice, Grace Fort and Bralyyn Wagler on qualifying for State Wrestling. They will wrestle Thursday in Coralville. Get your state T-shirt.

WACO Schools will be a two hour delay today, Wednesday January 25.

Last week third graders were invited to a BOOK TASTING. Students were able to look through some new books in different genres to help them find their preferences in chapter books. Students “tasted” four different books and during checkout after, were able to check out the books that were interesting to them!

Kindergarten went and explored the snow for a few quick minutes yesterday and had a special visitor during their recess! 🐾 🐶

Here is your weekly Blue Crew's News!

Today the 4-6 graders participated in Battle of the Books, a competitive reading activity for all students! Each student read a list of books in teams of 4-5 students, and today they took a final test on those books! Four WACO teams will move onto the regional competition in May, but for today we are celebrating our first place teams in each grade level.
The winners in fourth grade were Ella P., Aleah B., Camden D, and Aidan N.
The winners in fifth grade were Aurtro G., Anitha B., Logan A., and Nora W.
The winners in sixth grade were Hunter W., Mya D., Cooper G.

If you purchased a *KiNdNeSs WeEk* shirt for this week and your child hasn't yet worn it to school we would love to see them tomorrow!

A friendly reminder to those who use our pick-up lane:
We want to thank you for your patience before and after school when this is utilized! We know it is not always ideal. Please remember that if you are waiting in the line of vehicles, we would ask that you not block local driveways. We have several neighbors who come and go around the same times and we want them to be able to get home and inside where it warm.
Thank you! :)

WACO Families: If you weren't aware, you can check your student's lunch account balance on PowerSchool. Just log in and look at the menu of options on the left side. Click on "balances." That should take you to a screen with student tabs at the top. Click on each child to see the balance in their account!

Merry Christmas from all of us at WACO!

This morning Holden and Finnley Miller donated two books in honor of their cousin, Jaicey Miller.
Finnley chose Maybe: A story about the endless potential in all of us by Kobi Yamada and Illustrated by Gabriella Barouch
Holden chose In My Heart: A Book of Feelings by Jo Witek
Both of these beautiful books were accepted today by Mrs. Settles, Mrs Langr and Arly.
We thank the Miller family for their generous donation and commitment to keeping Jaicey’s memory here at WACO.

This week's Warrior Shield winners!
Their ticket for making a safe, respectful, and/or responsible decision was drawn out of the whole school jar this week for a prize. Woohoo!! Way to go Warriors.