Summer School Summary
June 2024
Our theme for summer school this year was Superheroes and Community Heroes. We focused on reading skills each day including word work and phonics, reading fluency, and reading comprehension. Students also engaged in critical thinking skills. Students were able to have two guest speaker opportunities - Chief McIntyre (Wayland PD) and Deputy Lopez (Henry Co.) presented to us about summer safety and the students took a field trip to the Crawfordsville Fire Dept. and were able to check out the fire trucks and run under the spray hose.

2024 - 2025 School Supplies List

Don't forget to get registered for our:
WACO Foundation Golf Outing
Registation Link Below:

Due to the weather conditions this morning and what is forecasted for the afternoon, we are going to postpone our ONE BLUE DAY community service projects until Tuesday, May 28.

The 6th grade classes enjoyed a recess on the front playground. They were so excited to be able to play on the playground they had enjoyed from pre-school to 2nd grade one last time before they transition to the JH next year!

Check out the latest news!

Congratulations class of 2024! We wish you all the best in your future endeavors!

More Ag Day fun!

The 6th grade classes recently went on their field trip to Fun City! Before Fun City, they enjoyed a picnic lunch at the park, and even played a little kickball! At Fun City, they enjoyed bowling, go-karts, and arcade games. We want to thank WACO Elementary PTO for making this AWESOME day possible for our 6th grade students!

2024 Elementary Field Day

May Menu's

Today our 6th grade students got to do THREE really fun things at their future school! First they enjoyed a financial literacy presentation with the JH students. Then students were able to meet their future teachers, tour the building, and get a glimpse of 7th grade. We ended the day with elementary relays. What an awesome day! 🩵🤍🩵

PBIS camping day in kindergarten

Please see attached letter about dismissing 10 minutes early today (4/16/2024) due to the predicted inclement weather.

WACO Elementary Families,
From April 1-30, 2024, parents and families of students in preschool through grade 12 have the opportunity to participate in the Parent Conditions for Learning Survey. The Survey focuses on areas that range from student safety, to positive adult and student relationships, to school rules and how they are enforced. Participation in the Survey is encouraged, but it is completely voluntary, and all questions are optional to answer.
We highly value your input! See the images below for directions on how to take the survey. Thank you in advance for your participation!

Today was a lot of fun!

More pictures of the solar eclipse viewing today!

We had an exciting day as students learned about and had the opportunity to view the solar eclipse! Students wore special glasses provided by the school. Students and staff were outside on the lawns taking in the experience! Enjoy some pictures that staff captured.

A quick reminder that WACO will have school next Friday, April 12th, as part of the final snow make up day. Thank you.