Save the Date: 2024 WACO Foundation Golf Outing.
June 22, 2024 at Heritage Oaks in Morning Sun.
Registration will be coming out in May.

WACO Families,
All Iowa public school districts are required to administer an annual school climate and culture survey to students in grades 3-12 called Conditions for Learning Survey (Survey). The Survey is designed to measure their engagement in school, safety and the overall learning environment. Students in grades 3-6 will take the survey during the week of April 8, 2024.
From April 1-30, 2024, parents and families of students in preschool through grade 12 will also have the opportunity to participate in the Parent Conditions for Learning Survey. The Survey contains similar items to those on the Student Survey, focusing on areas that range from student safety, to positive adult and student relationships, to school rules and how they are enforced. Participation in the Survey is encouraged, but it is completely voluntary, and all questions are optional to answer.
We highly value your input! Below are the directions on how to access the survey in English and Spanish. Please reach out to the elementary if you have any questions! Thank you in advance for your participation!

All Iowa public school districts are required to administer an annual school climate and culture survey to students in grades 3-12 called Conditions for Learning Survey (Survey). The Survey is designed to measure their engagement in school, safety and the overall learning environment. Students in grades 3-6 will take the survey during the week of April 8, 2024. Please watch for an informational letter from your child's teacher regarding this survey.
From April 1-30, 2024, parents and families of students in preschool through grade 12 will also have the opportunity to participate in the Parent Conditions for Learning Survey. The Survey contains similar items to those on the Student Survey, focusing on areas that range from student safety, to positive adult and student relationships, to school rules and how they are enforced.
See the following images to read more about the Parent Conditions for Learning Survey. The link and directions for the Parent Conditions for Learning Survey will be posted after April 1.

April Menu's
*Please note there are two lunch menus due to Spring Term at the High School next week*

Amy Langr and Chad McClanahan talked with KCII this week about The Wild Robot and Read A million Minutes!

More RAMM fun! We loved reading The Wild Robot and spending time with reading buddies!

More RAMM fun! We loved reading The Wild Robot and spending time with reading buddies!

Read-A-Million Minutes assembly and pizza party.
WACO students and families read over 1 Million Minutes for the first time in our history! A huge shout out to families that read at home and the PTO for providing the pizzas.

Read-A-Million Minutes assembly and pizza party.
WACO students and families read over 1 Million Minutes for the first time in our history! A huge shout out to families that read at home and the PTO for providing the pizzas.

March Menu's

Thank you to our sponsors for Read A Million Minutes and Wild Robot Night. None of this would be possible without your support!

The end of our Read A Million Minutes time is coming to a close! We look forward to seeing those of you who can make it to Wild Robot Night, and also celebrating with ALL students on Thursday!

Reading Buddies part 2

6th grade students learned about transportation in the agricultural industry. They also designed and tested packaging to protect a Pringles chip. Ag in the Classroom is so much fun!

WACO students read with their buddies on another make up snow day.

Wild Robot schedule for the week! I can't wait to see all the kids in their animal print on Tuesday!
A couple of upcoming reminders:
* Wild Robot Night is on Monday, February 26th from 5:00 - 7:00
* The Book Fair will be at the school from February 26-March 1. Watch for information to come home about this on Monday. It will be open for families to shop on Wild Robot Night, but students who are unable to attend will also have an opportunity to shop during the school day!

Dress Like a Friend / Twin Day at WACO Elementary.
Just another fun Read-A-Million Minutes activity.

Quick reminder that WACO will have school this Friday, the 16th, as it is a snow make up day. Have a great week.

As part of Read-A-Million Minutes every WACO Elementary student received a free book. Mrs. Settles was able to read to Preschool - 1st grade classrooms as part of the book giveaway.
We would like to thank all the community members who donated books to RAMM!

Students had a great time with their Reading Buddies during a snow make up day.